206.784.7840 info@kathycasey.com


Healthy Eating

Now that we’re into the New Year, it’s time to get on track with healthy eating and stick to a New Year’s Resolution!

Sometimes with busy schedules lunch gets skipped or something less than healthy gets ordered in. Well consider taking a few hours on the weekend and building some great meals in jars to pack to work.

Just pick up some pint and 1/2 pint canning jars with screw on lids. Then prepare some good-for-you components like quinoa, brown rice, roasted veggies, roasted chicken breast, and some cut up fresh veggies.

Pack these up in jars, but make sure to plan your layers. For instance layer up some quinoa, roasted veggies, chicken – all deliciously topped with some healthy hummus or low-fat Greek yogurt. These will keep refrigerated for up to 3 days and are easy to pack to work.

Try this idea for breakfast-on-the-go, too. Fresh fruits, a little healthy cereal for the crunch factor, and yogurt. Or try cooked oatmeal with diced apples, dried cranberries and some toasted nuts.

Oat Chia Honey Cup
Photo by Kathy Casey Food Studios®.

Check out this great recipe for Make-Ahead Fruit & Yogurt Breakfast Parfaits from Iowa Girl Eats blog using Chobani yogurt (my fave!), gluten-free oats, chia seeds, and fruits. Her post is really inspiring!

Healthy, handmade meals on the go – Yum! –Kathy


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