Dishing with Kathy caseyKeep up with Kathy Casey on her culinary adventures and get the latest and greatest recipes plus so much more!
Black Cat Old Fashioned
If you're just chilling out at home this year and watching some bad horror movies that doesn't mean you can’t have a little fun with your cocktails on Halloween! Here is a spooky spin on an Old Fashioned, with a boozy mashup of bourbon, homemade Orange and Black...
Dishing with Kathy Casey on KOMO News Radio
On a personal note, I want to share that Dishing with Kathy Casey on KOMO Radio will now move to re-runs for the time being. It's been over 10 years that I have done my weekly radio segment with Art Sanders, and with work responsibilities I need a break. It truly has...
Shepherd’s Pie
With cooler weather on the way we get hungry for dishes that are hearty and warm. And shepherd’s pie can sure hit the spot. The British are known to put almost anything in a pie. To “pie” means to “jumble together”, and shepherd’s pie is just that. The dish is...
Mac and Cheese – Yes, Please!
When I think of comfort food, one of the first things that come to mind is Mac & Cheese. Gooey, warm, and of course, cheesy delicious! One of my favorite recipes is a 4 Cheese Penne Bake - penne pasta, garlic, and parmesan white sauce - tossed with loads of...
Falling for Apples
A true sign of Fall, apples appear everywhere, from thick-caramel-coated, to sweet and tangy cups of fresh-pressed cider at the local market. The Northwest has always been the mecca for amazing apples; glorious Galas with their perfumy sweet flavor under a lovely...
Picnic Foods
Labor Day is coming up – a holiday that commemorates the workers who have made this country great. For many people, it also heralds the end of summer and the last 3-day weekend before school starts. So why not enjoy the last blast of summer with a great picnic and...
A Vegetable Mash Up
What’s old is new again – what with the uber popularity of Kale, Brussel Sprouts and Rutabagas. In years past, Moms could not bribe the kids to eat these veggies. A good example of an old but new veggie, is the gorgeous Lacinato Kale ---- so beloved in Italy in slow...
Marvelous Melons: Cocktails and More
A few Summers ago, I whipped up a party-size batch of Watermelon Sangria. It was a hit and, really, just plain made my croquet game even better! Some may think that melons have a hard time growing in our rainy climate, but thanks to irrigation in the drier and hotter...
Chill Out with Summer Cold Soups
Gazpacho is the most widely known cold-style soup – Originally from Southern Spain, this fresh tomato-based soup is a summertime staple, and so refreshing on a hot day. I like to add lots of veggies into my gazpacho like cucumbers and pepper. Finished with a drizzle...
Garden To Glass Cocktails
If you are like me, you have a plethora of herbs filling your garden this summer, of course we all know you can cook with them - but have you thought about sipping with them too?! I am not just talking about the mint that grows like a weed. There are other herbs and...
Honey Varieties
Oh Honey… yes, dear? No, I mean that amazing, sweet and flavorful product our wonderful honeybees give us! I love bees – but I use to be afraid of them until I had a couple of hives in my urban garden and there were a LOT of bees! Honeybees go about their business...
Strawberry Days
Strawberries really signal that summer is here! I can’t wait for the first big, juicy red berry of the season. Probably the most popular way to enjoy strawberries -- other than eaten from hand! -- is strawberry shortcake. My recipe for Strawberry Citrus Shortcake with...
Edible Flowers
Food and flowers are wonderful side-by-side, and flowers on the table can definitely set the tone for a meal…. but many flowers you love are also edible! Did you know you can eat those (unsprayed) marigolds roses and pansies in your yard? You can add edible flowers to...
Coleslaw with Everything!
The sun is shining and that means we are eating al fresco, and no outdoor meal is complete without coleslaw! There are a lot of different varieties of slaw – and you can certainly switch up the cabbages: green, red, savoy, and Napa. But it’s the dressing that really...
Quick Pickles and Amazing Flavors
Who doesn't love homemade pickles? But sometimes the idea of making them seems daunting. Quick pickle recipes to the rescue! Easy to make and store refrigerated, this method is perfect for beginning home picklers. Almost anything can be a quick pickle. Pickled red...
Local Cherries Finally Hitting the Markets
*Cherries are beginning to arrive in our local markets soon (we have been waiting!) *Local varieties: Bing is King – but early varies such as Chelan are followed by Rainier, Lapin, Skeena, Sweetheart, Queen Ann, and Lambert. *Eaten right out of hand or in recipes from...
Nothing says summer like a tall, icy cold glass of lemonade and these days we’re seeing lots of revamped versions of this American staple. Start with the basics and switch it up a bit; how about changing lemon for lime, or adding some sparkle to your lemonade and...
Great Steak!
Things are heating up outside and, on the grill, so let’s talk steak! First things first - start with a good piece of meat, a New York, Filet, or rib-eye would be perfect! Something nice …and thick. I have a great recipe (below) for a Bitter & Bourbon Steak...
Breakfast Bakes
Starting the morning off with a d’lish breakfast can set the tone for the rest of the day but sleeping in can be an important weekend must…so quick and easy breakfast bakes to the rescue! Most everyone has some sort of variation on a “hash brown breakfast bake” or...
Asparagus – Amazing Asparagus
All around us, green things are poking up through the ground this time of year, especially asparagus! One of the best things about early summer is this tasty green wonder! Now, I know a lot of people have the perception that skinny “pencil” asparagus is preferable,...